Question: Does the organisation have a social / human rights / modern slavery policy?
Social sustainability policy,
Human rights policy,
Social sustainability policy for suppliers / supplier code,
Ethics code,
Diversity Equity Inclusion+Belonging policy
Jeronimo Martins
Unverified - Added by Community
updated almost 3 years ago by Francisca S

Relatório Sustentabilidade p.279

Our relationships with all our stakeholders are guided by the principles of transparency, honesty and integrity. In our relationship with employees, we have several tools to ensure that everyon is treated equally, irrespective of their origin, age, gender or religious beliefs, respecting both universal rights and national labour laws.The Jerónimo Martins Group’s Ethics Committee is responsible for the impartial and independent monitoring of the disclosure of and compliance with the Code of Conduct102 and Anti-Corruption Policy103. These two instruments set out the ethical principles and conduct which the employees of the Group and its Companies must follow, no matter their position, function or the country where they work. When they start working at the Group, all employees receive a copy of the Code of Conduct and attend regular and related training sessions – in 2020 training was provided to over six thousand employees. The Anti-Corruption Policy establishes zero tolerance for any form of corruption, influence 102 103; 104 Mobbing refers to the psychological harassment in the workplace of an individual or group by two or more people, as opposed to bullying, which is harassment by one person (International Labour Organization, 2006).

peddling, the acceptance of undue advantages or the payment of any benefits in violation of the Code of Conduct or the laws in force in each country. The policy was approved in 2019 and widely disseminated in 2020 among managers and operations employees in critical roles.

The Ethics Committee has a dedicated website (, that is the preferred channel of contact and reporting for issues related, in particular, to aggression, harassment, conflict of interest, corruption, discrimination, fraud, improper business practices and misuse of information. All communication, whether by email or telephone, is kept strictly confidential and all situations reported are analysed and investigated, and subsequent action plans drawn up.

Carolina Almeida Cruz.....2021-09-11 17:15:25 UTC

P.279 anti-corruption


The Anti-Corruption Policy establishes zero

tolerance for any form of corruption, influence

peddling, the acceptance of undue advantages

or the payment of any benefits in violation of

the Code of Conduct or the laws in force in each

country. The policy was approved in 2019 and

widely disseminated in 2020 among managers

and operations employees in critical roles.

The Ethics Committee has a dedicated website

(, that is

the preferred channel of contact and reporting

for issues related, in particular, to aggression,

harassment, conflict of interest, corruption,

discrimination, fraud, improper business practices

and misuse of information. All communication,

whether by email or telephone, is kept strictly

confidential and all situations reported are

analysed and investigated, and subsequent action

plans drawn up.

Francisca S.....2021-09-11 22:12:12 UTC

P.279 Human rights & Diversity and inclusion


In line with the guidelines of the United Nations

and the International Labour Organization,

the Group values diversity, the right to nondiscrimination, fair pay, a safe and healthy

environment, rest, privacy, personal and family life,

among other rights, in compliance with the laws

of the countries in which it does business and with

supranational laws.

The Human Resources policies in force encourage

a culture of alignment between the three countries,

compliance with laws and regulations, fairness



104 Mobbing refers to the psychological harassment in the workplace of an individual or group by two or more people, as opposed to bullying, which is

harassment by one person (International Labour Organization, 2006).


Standing strong on the front line

and meritocracy, and sustainable value creation

throughout the employee career cycle.

Other inalienable rights such as freedom of

association, trade union activity and the right to

collective bargaining are also ensured. In Portugal,

collective bargaining encompasses more than 90%

of employees105. In Poland, the Trade Union Policy

was created in 2020, a mechanism to regulate

relations with trade unions as a means to improve

working conditions.

We also prevent child and forced labour within the

scope of our activities and ensure respect for the

rights of indigenous peoples.

Diversity and Inclusion

In 2020, the Diversity and Inclusion area,

responsible for managing the global Human

Resources agenda in this regard, remained focused

on equality and social inclusion, the latter centred

around creating job opportunities for people

facing labour market disadvantage: people with

disabilities, migrants and refugees, and people

at social risk.

Gender equality is a commitment by the Group that

is part of all stages of the employee career cycle.

Particularly as regards compensation and benefits,

the Group has an overall gender pay gap ratio of

96.5%106. This ratio is higher than 95% in the three

countries where we operate: Poland, Portugal

and Colombia.

In 2020, we updated our Gender Equality Plan for

2020-2021107, in accordance with laws in force in

Portugal, and joined Target Gender Equality108.

The latter is a programme designed for members

of the United Nations Global Compact aimed at

accelerating gender equality in companies by setting

targets for women’s representation and leadership

in all levels and in all areas of business (Sustainable

Development Goal number 5 of the 2030 United

Nations Organization Agenda – “Gender equality

and empower all women and girls”).

Francisca S.....2021-09-11 22:13:58 UTC