Question: Was the company's Modern Slavery Act statement explicitly approved by the board of directors (or equivalent management body)?
Approved by Board
MSA Statement Approval
Verified by Community check_circle
updated almost 2 years ago by Gabby

This document builds on last year’s statement and explains the steps Unilever has taken to prevent, detect and respond to slavery in our

business and throughout our supply chain. This Statement covers Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V. and their group companies, with other

reporting companies proceeding with their own board approvals according to the Modern Slavery Act (the ‘Act’). It covers the period of

12 months ending on 31 December 2019.3

Gabby.....2022-07-04 02:36:40 UTC

This Statement has been approved by

Unilever PLC and N.V. Boards at their

meeting on 4 March 2020.10

Gabby.....2022-07-04 02:37:18 UTC