expand_less GOV.UK Gender Pay Gap Service+Difference between female and male employees mean hourly pay
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre+Modern Slavery Statement
Commons+Supplied By
Ethical Trading Initiative+ETI Membership
Climate Action Research+TCFD Supporter
Responsible Sourcing Network+YESS Supporter
Responsible Sourcing Network+Signatory Turkmen Cotton Pledge
Responsible Sourcing Network+Signatory Uzbek Cotton Pledge
ShareAction+Signatory Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI)
ShareAction+Invited to Disclose Workforce Data
Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh+Bangladesh Accord Signatory
Ellen MacArthur Foundation+Make Fashion Circular Participant
Fair Labor Association+Fair Labor Participant
ACT Action, Collaboration, Transformation+ACT Member
Textile Exchange+Textile Exchange Member
Textile Exchange+Responsible Down Commitment
Textile Exchange+Responsible Down Standard Certification
Textile Exchange+Responsible Wool Standard Certification
Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh+Bangladesh Accord Factory Covered
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre+MSA statement homepage link
Walk Free Foundation+MSA Identification of risks
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre+MSA statement signed
Walk Free Foundation+MSA supply chain disclosure
Walk Free Foundation+MSA risk assessment
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre+MSA Statement Approval
Walk Free Foundation+MSA policy (revised)
Walk Free Foundation+MSA Performance Indicators
Walk Free Foundation+MSA risk management (revised)
Walk Free Foundation+MSA Impact on Company Behaviour
Walk Free Foundation+MSA incidents identified
Walk Free Foundation+MSA incidents remediation (revised)
Walk Free Foundation+MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)
Walk Free Foundation+MSA training (revised)
Walk Free Foundation+MSA Business Performance Indicators
Walk Free Foundation+MSA historic record
Walk Free Foundation+MSA Ownership Disclosure
Fashion Revolution+Fashion Transparency Index 2020
Commons+Supplier List (all)
Commons+Subsidiary Of
Commons+Shareholder Of
Commons+Has Brands
Clean Clothes Campaign+Migrant Workers
Clean Clothes Campaign+Workers Committee
Clean Clothes Campaign+Labour Union
Clean Clothes Campaign+Compensation Tazreen Fire Victims
Clean Clothes Campaign+Compensation Rana Plaza Victims
Commons+Parent of
Commons+has Shareholder
Commons+Is Brand Of
Clean Clothes Campaign+Frequency of Supply Chain Disclosure
Clean Clothes Campaign+Supply Chain Transparency Pledge Alignment
Clean Clothes Campaign+Timeframe Pledge Realization
As You Sow+CEO pay
As You Sow+Expected CEO Pay
As You Sow+Excess CEO Pay (USD)
As You Sow+Excess CEO Pay (%)
As You Sow+Shareholder Votes to Approve CEO Pay
As You Sow+Shareholder Votes Against CEO Pay
As You Sow+Median Employee Pay
As You Sow+CEO to Worker Pay Ratio
As You Sow+Ranking for Most Overpaid CEOs
Open Apparel Registry+OAR Contributor
Asset Owners Disclosure Project+Climate Risk Management Rating
Asset Owners Disclosure Project+Climate Risk Management Rank
Asset Owners Disclosure Project+Insurance Type
Asset Owners Disclosure Project+Asset Owner Type
Clean Clothes Campaign+Addressing Gender Pay Gap in Supply Chain
Clean Clothes Campaign+Responsive to Wage Transparency Survey
Clean Clothes Campaign+Generic CSR Department Email
Clean Clothes Campaign+Twitter Handle
Clean Clothes Campaign+Supplier Disclosure
Clean Clothes Campaign+Factory Disclosure
Clean Clothes Campaign+Transparency Beyond Basic Pledge Standard
Clean Clothes Campaign+Open Format for Supply Chain Disclosure
Clean Clothes Campaign+Top 3 Production Countries
Clean Clothes Campaign+Number of Tier 1 Suppliers
Clean Clothes Campaign+Number of Tier 2 Suppliers
Clean Clothes Campaign+Public Commitment on Living Wage
Clean Clothes Campaign+Living Wage Action Plan
Clean Clothes Campaign+Uses Living Wage Benchmark
Clean Clothes Campaign+Current Supply Chain Wages
Clean Clothes Campaign+Isolating Labour Cost
Clean Clothes Campaign+Living Wages Paid Score
Clean Clothes Campaign+Reports on Unionization
Clean Clothes Campaign+Policy Promise Score
Clean Clothes Campaign+Supply Chain Transparency Score
Commons+Supplier of
Core+Headquarters Location
Global Reporting Initiative+Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) (G4-EN15-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1), GRI 305-1-a (formerly G4-EN15-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Environmental Fines, GRI 307-1 (formerly G4-EN29-a)
Core+Company Report Available
Global Reporting Initiative+Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 2) (G4-EN16-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources, GRI 302-1-a (formerly G4-EN3-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Male employees, GRI 102-8-a (formerly G4-10-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Female employees, GRI 102-8-a (formerly G4-10-a)
Core+Female workers' pay (as a percentage of male workers' pay)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total water discharge (G4-EN22-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Environmental Protection Expenditures (G4-EN31-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Hazardous Waste Recycled, GRI 306-2-a (formerly G4-EN23-a)
Poverty Footprint+Women in Management Positions
Global Reporting Initiative+Average hours of training (female), GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
Global Reporting Initiative+Hazardous Waste Created (G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Sulfur Oxide (SOx) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Incidents of discrimination, GRI 406-1 (G4-HR3-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Energy consumption outside the organization, GRI 302-2 (formerly G4-EN4)
Global Reporting Initiative+Collective Bargaining (G4-11)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total energy consumption, GRI 302-1-e (formerly G4-EN3-e)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total Waste Generated, GRI 306-2 (formerly G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Groundwater withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 3), GRI 305-3 (formerly G4-EN17-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Average hours of training, GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
Core+Gross Profits
Global Reporting Initiative+Full-time employees, GRI 102-8-c (formerly G4-10-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Labor Practices Screening of New Suppliers (G4-LA14-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Non-Hazardous Waste (G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Worker fatalities, GRI 403-2 (formerly G4-LA6-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Fuel consumption from renewable sources, GRI 302-1-b (formerly G4-EN3-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Human Rights Impacts Grievances filed (G4-HR12-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Waste Water Used (G4-EN8-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total Waste Recycled (G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Non-Hazardous Waste Recycled (G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Third-party water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Particulate Matter (PM) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Female Worker Fatalities (G4-LA6-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Water Recycled (%) (G4-EN10-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Surface water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)
Core+Living Wage Policy (direct employees)
Global Reporting Initiative+Part-time employees, GRI 102-8-c (formerly G4-10-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Male Worker Fatalities (G4-LA6-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Environmental Non-Monetary Sanctions GRI 307-1 (formerly G4-EN29-a)
Commons+Gross Profits
Global Reporting Initiative+Nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Persistent organic pollutants (POP), GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
Poverty Footprint+Access to Healthcare for Work-related Incidents
Global Reporting Initiative+Average hours of training (male), GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
Global Reporting Initiative+Human Rights Impacts Resolved (G4-HR12-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Total Waste to Landfill (G4-EN23-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Water Volume Recycled (G4-EN10-a)
Commons+Women on Board
Global Reporting Initiative+Temporary employees, GRI 102-8-a (formerly G4-10-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Employees that Took Parental Leave, GRI 401-3-b (formerly G4-LA3-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Employees Returned after Parental Leave, GRI 401-3-c (formerly G4-LA3-c)
Global Reporting Initiative+Significant Spills, GRI 306-3-a (formerly G4-EN24-a)
Global Reporting Initiative+Volume of Significant Spills, GRI 306-3-a (formerly G4-EN24-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Incidents of Corruption (GRI Standard 205-3-a)
Poverty Footprint+Anti-Corruption Declaration
Global Reporting Initiative+Human Rights Impacts Grievances addressed (G4-HR12-b)
Global Reporting Initiative+Human Rights Screening of New Suppliers (G4-HR10-a)
Core+Living Wage Policy (supply chain)
Global Reporting Initiative+Rainwater collected directly and stored (G4-EN8-a)
Project JUST Research Group+Number of garments produced annually
Project JUST Research Group+Number of apparel collections produced annually
Project JUST Research Group+Sustainable lead times
Project JUST Research Group+Stable price guarantee (suppliers)
Project JUST Research Group+Subcontracting policy (supply chain)
Project JUST Research Group+Freedom of association (supply chain)
Project JUST Research Group+Rights to collective bargaining (supply chain)
Project JUST Research Group+Prohibit regular excessive overtime (supply chain)
Project JUST Research Group+Code of conduct included in supplier contracts
Project JUST Research Group+Overstock policy
Project JUST Research Group+Retail stores