
This metric asks whether the company reports on its biodiversity impact strategy and targets. This information may be found within an annual report, an integrated report, or a sustainability report.

  • Select "The company has a policy" if you can find a Biodiversity related policy
  • Select "The company reports KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)" if you find a list of indicators that the company has set to measure progress toward the company's environment-related targets or objectives.
  • Select "None" if you cannot find a Biodiversity-related policy nor a list of indicators to measure progress toward the company's environment-related targets or objectives.
  • *Select as many options as may apply:

Keywords and Search Terms.

  • Biodiversity
  • Ecosystem
  • Habitat
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

If KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are found, please list them along  in the Comments field.

