
This metric is asking whether the company’s due diligence policies/practices extend beyond the minerals defined as “Conflict Minerals” by the Dodd-Frank Act.

To answer this metric you should first find the relevant document from the company that sets out their policies and practices regarding their supply chain due diligence (if such a document is not already available on WikiRate). The name of this document varies from company to company, it might be called something like “Supply chain code of conduct“, “Human Rights Policy“, “Responsible Sourcing policy“ or “Supplier Responsibility Standard“. Add this document as a source.

Within this document, find the part that defines which minerals are covered by due diligence (try searching for the 3TG terms below)

Value options:

Yes - the company’s due diligence policies cover minerals other than those listed (columbite-tantalite, coltan, cassiterite, gold, wolframite, tantalum, tin or tungsten). Please add a comment that describes which additional minerals/materials are covered by the policy, and quote from the source where possible. Example: Apple’s supplier responsibility standard which covers “additional minerals or materials notified to Suppliers by Apple”: , p84 onwards

No - the company’s due diligence policies / practices only covers the listed minerals. Example: Tesla’s human rights and conflict minerals policy
