Question: Does the company have a strategy to identify and manage risks in relation to Conflict Minerals?
Amnesty International
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See page 2.


Specific statement:

"Our Policy indicates that suppliers who supply to or manufacture for PVH components, parts or products containing Conflict Minerals are expected to:


1.Obtain those minerals from socially and environmentally responsible sources that do not directly or indirectly contribute to conflict or human rights abuses; without limiting the foregoing, suppliers are expected to directly and indirectly source Conflict Minerals only from sources that do not directly or indirectly finance or benefit “armed groups” (as that term is defined in the Rule) in a Covered Country.


2.Implement and communicate to their personnel and suppliers policies that are consistent with the Policy;


3.Familiarize themselves with the Rule and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (the “Guidance”);


4.Put in place procedures for the traceability of Conflict Minerals, working with their suppliers as appropriate;


5.Where possible, source Conflict Minerals from smelters and refiners validated as being conflict free by independent third parties;


6.Maintain reviewable business records supporting the source of Conflict Minerals;


7.From time to time, at our request, provide us with written certifications and other information concerning the origin of Conflict Minerals included in products, components and parts supplied to us and the supplier’s compliance with our Policy generally;


8.Adopt a risk management strategy with respect to identified risks in the supply chain that is consistent with our Policy;


9.Otherwise establish policies, due diligence frameworks and management systems that are consistent with the Guidance; and


10.Require their direct and indirect suppliers to adopt policies and procedures that are consistent with those contained in our Policy.


Our Policy also provides that our suppliers are encouraged to support industry efforts to enhance traceability and responsible practices in the global minerals supply chain.


Additionally, our Policy provides that, if we determine that a supplier may be violating our Policy, we may require that supplier to commit to and implement a corrective action plan within a reasonable timeframe. Finally, our Policy provides that continued failure to adhere to our policies and refusal to address issues of concern may lead to termination of our business relationship with the supplier."

--Laureen van Breen.....2016-04-27 09:56:57 UTC