Add value not working for empty year+Status
Add value not working for empty year+*when created
Monday, April 30, 2018 10:44 AM UTC

Add value not working for empty year+issue

Trying to add a value to a metric question for a year that has no data, but the error message says that there's already an answer. 

Not sure if it's related to the problem, but when I first arrive to that page and that metric for 2017, the sources are not showing up, but instead it says "ADD" under the source tab. The second link below is to that issue (not sure if it's any different besides the hashtag)

Add value not working for empty year+screenshot

Add value not working for empty year+screenshot

Add value not working for empty year+Discussion

I can't reproduce this. Can you? If so, can you tell me how?

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-06-01 16:27:42 UTC