visibilty of previous comments not just notes


It would be great if it was possible to see previous comments one has made, not just the notes posted when checking the personal page.

Genereally, how does it work: do we get notified if someone reacts to the comment made?

Even without answers, would be great to be able to look back at what one has written in the past.

Hi Katharina.


The way comments currently work on WikiRate are a little different from other sites; they're not stored as separate entities unto themselves but as edits that append content to wiki pages. It's like a quick interface to Wikipedia talk pages; other people can come around and clean up discussions to remove duplicates and conversational elements and put the most interesting material at the top.


This is to say, it would be tricky within this model to show a discreet list of your comments (and only your comments) on the profile page, but it would be pretty straightforward to show all the things you'd commented on. We do need to decide whether we separate comments from other sorts of contributions (like tagging with a topic) but in the new-and-improve profile pages (coming soon), we try to make it easy to see all your contributions there in one place.


Whether you get notified depends on your "follow" settings, as seen on the left of your profile page. If you're following "everything I edited", then you should receive an email when someone edits something you've edited.


Did you get an email for this?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2015-05-13 21:46:31 +0200

Hi Ethan, thanks for the detailed reply. I understand the issue better now and I think that it would probably be sufficient if it was possible to simply see all the things I have commented on. All I really care for is a quick overview on my activities really and a means to keep track/follow discussions that i´ve contributed to.

I am exited for the new profile pages! And yes, I got your mail :)

--Kat.....2015-06-12 15:29:34 +0200