Question: Does the company describe the process(es) to identify its human rights risks and impacts in specific locations or activities through relevant business relationships?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Pernod Ricard
Unverified - Added by Steward
The company states that it has implemented a due diligence process to assess and monitor the compliance of its suppliers. Also, it states that in order to establish complete traceability and assess environmental and social risks within its agricultural supply chain, it used the Terroir risk mapping tool to map the risks of its priority terroirs. Further, it states that in order to identify the sustainability risks in its supply chain, it uses the SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) standards for social and ethical audit standards, the EcoVadis platform for sustainability assessment, and the blue source process to raise awareness of human rights and labor law. Moreover, it states that, in FY23, it intends to extend its impact assessment beyond its own operations to suppliers.