Wesley+Ethics+Nike Inc.+2016+Discussion

Nike's primary goal is to double their business with half the impact. As Nike accelerates the pace and scale of sustainable innovation, they will be making products that delivers both performance and sustainability. Their strategy consists of accelerating toward a low-carbon growth economy by addressing all impacts on the environment, supporting labor rights in supply chains, and continuing to serve the athlete and to deliver value for shareholders.




Nike also believes that they must innovate to contribute to the systemic change that the world needs. They will do so by planning to use low impact materials, transforming waste processes, implementing new business models, and using renewable energy.




Overall, Nike's strategy is to minimize environmental footprint, transform manufacturing, and unleash human potential. Their drivers of success will be their 2020 targets across several business functions. Moreover, closed-loop solutions across materials, products, business models and systems will be created to provide innovation in the world.

Wesley.....2017-12-04 16:22:16 UTC