Question: Does the company disclose in its modern slavery statement that it has a modern slavery policy covering any social media platforms it owns or distributes?
Walk Free
Google Inc.
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 1 year ago by Brittany Quy

Advertising: Our advertising policies do not allow ads containing adult-oriented content that targets minors, ads promoting sexually explicit content, including content with underage or non-consensual sexual themes, ads for compensated sexual acts, or ads that violate applicable laws or regulations for any location that a campaign targets (collectively, “bad ads”). We enforce our policies through a robust approval and monitoring process. We use the latest technology as well as manual review by teams that are specially trained to remove bad ads—and bad advertisers—from

Google. This is a constant challenge, and we are always seeking ways to ensure our systems and practices stay ahead of

Google Play: Our policies do not allow apps that contain or promote sexually explicit content, such as pornography and escort services. We also do not allow apps or app content that appear to promote a sexual act in exchange for p. 6 not explicitly modern slavery.

Brittany Quy.....2023-03-01 07:20:03 UTC