2017 | Rio Tinto | MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised)
Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (direct employees),
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (supply chain workers)
updated about 3 years ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

P6: "Grievance mechanisms can highlight systemic issues and thereby strengthen and inform human rights due diligence. Under our Communities and Social Performance standard, all sites are required to have a complaints, disputes and grievance procedure. These must be in line with the UNGPs’ criteria of effectiveness for non-judicial grievance mechanisms. Speak-OUT (also referred to as “Talk to Peggy”), the Group’s confidential and independently operated whistleblowing service, is available to all employees, suppliers and contractors to report concerns. Both site level mechanisms and Speak-OUT (“Talk to Peggy”) may be used to raise concerns about modern slavery."


P11: "Our Communities targets require all sites to have effective means for capturing and managing community complaints, and to achieve a year-on-year reduction in repeat and significant complaints. Through these targets we are improving our information about the number and type of complaints filed as well as how they are managed. Industrial relations disputes and grievances, which may cover a range of labour related issues, are tracked globally through the Employee Relations Case Management System"

Elisabeth de Courson.....2019-11-24 02:42:21 UTC


(also referred to as “Talk to Peggy”),

the Group’s confidential and independently operated

whistleblowing service, is available to all employees,

suppliers and contractors to report concerns. Both site

level mechanisms and


(“Talk to Peggy”)

may be used to raise concerns about modern slavery. 6

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-04-19 14:07:17 UTC


(also referred to as “Talk to Peggy”),

the Group’s confidential and independently operated

whistleblowing service, is available to all employees,

suppliers and contractors to report concerns. Both site

level mechanisms and


(“Talk to Peggy”)

may be used to raise concerns about modern slavery. 6

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-04-19 14:07:29 UTC