Question: Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (direct employees),
Hotline, Email, Contact Form (supply chain workers)
Walk Free

Page 14 - In 2021, Accord, from the the Bangladesh Independent Garment Workers Union Federation, alleged after a whistleblowing incident that 11 union workers "were unfairly dismissed, their pay withheld and that their union members were also being subjected to verbal abuse and physical violence".

Page 36 - Table labelled "Whistleblowing cases" identified 1 UK case was reported via a "direct letter from a whistleblower" during 2021/2022

Page 36 - "In 2021/2022, [John Lewis] had 29 reports from whistleblowers".

Ruby Wong.....2022-12-10 04:51:59 UTC

Pg. 22

“In January 2022, the working group also began collaborating with local NGOs to promote their existing local multilingual help desk that provides workers with information on local support services”

Pg. 36

“We have a number of channels and contact points that enable individuals working in supply chains supplying our Partnership to contact us. All correspondence is handled in accordance with our internal whistleblowing guidelines. We are developing our existing Partnership policy to ensure these channels are effective and consistently managed.

UNSEEN business portal, Local MP, Trade unions/Industry bodies, Sedex/Audit company, Direct letter from a whistleblower, Direct from tier 1 supplier, Direct from authorities”

Pg. 43

“Unseen: A registered charity working towards a world without slavery, Unseen runs the Modern Slavery Helpline, which JLP supports through our ‘Unseen Business’ membership.”

Manali Rana.....2023-02-01 16:37:32 UTC