Question: Does the company describe a grievance mechanism to facilitate whistle-blowing or the reporting of suspected incidents of slavery or trafficking?
Whistleblower protection (direct employees),
Whistleblower protection (supply chain workers),
Focal Point (direct employees)
Walk Free
BNP Paribas
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 3 years ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

Within the framework of the Group whistleblowing procedure, all BNP Paribas employees are entitled to

report a proven or suspected breach of the Group’s Code of Conduct or of a Group policy, procedure or

regulation, not only to their line manager, but also, alternatively, to the Compliance Function of the entity

to which they belong or to a higher entity.

Any concern about an issue or a suspicion on human rights within the BNP Paribas business operations

or in the supply chain can be reported in accordance with the Group whistleblowing procedure, unless

local regulations or procedures provide otherwise.

Our whistleblowing policy ensures that anyone raising in good faith such concerns will not suffer, as a

result, dismissal, disciplinary action, threats or other unfavourable treatment

Giovanni Zenteno.....2017-11-03 20:20:10 UTC

No mention that the policy covers their supply chain

Aileen Robinson.....2020-07-20 09:44:48 UTC

Our whistleblowing policy ensures that anyone raising in good faith such concerns will not suffer, as a

result, dismissal, disciplinary action, threats or

other unfavourable treatment.

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-03-12 02:00:47 UTC

Any concern about an issue or a suspicion on human rights within the BNP Paribas business operations

or in the supply chain can be reported in accordanc

e with the Group whistleblowing procedure, unless

local regulations or procedures provide otherwise. 2

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-03-12 06:02:17 UTC


Within the framework of the Group whistleblowing procedure, all BNP Paribas employees are entitled to

report a proven or suspected breach of the Group’s Code of Conduct or of a Group policy, procedure or

regulation, not only to their line manager, but also

, alternatively, to the Compliance Function of the entity

to which they belong or to a higher entity. 2

Lucia Ixtacuy.....2021-03-12 02:00:57 UTC