2017 | BioMarin Pharmaceutical | MSA training (revised)
Does the statement describe training for staff that is specifically geared towards detecting signs of slavery or trafficking?
Procurement / purchasing
updated about 6 years ago by Aileen Robinson

Page 3 in the "Modern Slavery Training" section: "In an effort to increase awareness and understanding of the issue of human trafficking and slavery, and to improve the ability to verify its absence from BioMarin's supply chain, BioMarin has established the formal training of its supply chain personnel and supplier quality personnel."


It wasn't clear to me if supply chain and supplier quality personnel are specifically part of the procurement/purchasing staff? Would appreciate your input!

Lan Hoang.....2017-10-29 17:23:45 UTC

p.3 BioMarin states here that they have trained procurement staff on how to detect signs of modern slavery

"All employees at BioMarin are trained of the BioMarin Global Code of Conduct, which covers topics such as slavery, human trafficking and forced labour. In an effort to increase awareness and understanding of the issue of human trafficking and slavery, and to improve the ability to verify its absence from BioMarin's supply chain, BioMarin has established the formal training of its supply chain personnel and supplier quality personnel."

Aileen Robinson.....2018-05-15 12:51:11 UTC