Walk Free+MSA training (revised)+Bensons for Beds (Steinhoff)+2020+Discussion

awareness programme for all relevant employees

liyrh10.....2020-10-15 17:46:17 UTC

Senior managers have been provided training on the requirements under the Modern Slavery

Act and this will

now be

cascaded down to all hiring managers in due course.1

xokucfrd.....2021-03-16 10:35:45 UTC

Blue Group

recognises its own staff have an important part to play and we have developed an

awareness programme for all relevant employees to ensure they understand the risks of slavery and

human trafficking occurring in our supply chains and

what actions to take if discovered.1

xokucfrd.....2021-03-16 10:37:36 UTC

Senior managers have been provided training on the requirements under the Modern Slavery


Act and this will


now be


cascaded down to all hiring managers in due course.1


We are

developing a basic awareness of our values by including reference to our policy in our new starter

induction training.1

xokucfrd.....2021-03-16 10:38:07 UTC