2017 | Argent Group Europe Limited | MSA risk management (revised)
Does the company continuously monitor suppliers to ensure that they comply with the company’s policies and local laws?
updated over 3 years ago by Laureen van Breen

Page 2


" Our Policy on whistleblowing is designed to support our open culture and to make it easy for employees to make any disclosures, without fear of retribution. We are reviewing all of our business and people policies to further cement our commitment in this area, making our stance and processes clear to all stakeholders. External partnerships Modern Slavery is a global issue and as such we will collaborate with and support industry and global prevention bodies. In 2016, our key external partnerships were with Stronger Together, the GLA and the ALP. We have adopted their guidelines to develop our principles in tackling Modern Slavery and to develop our internal training plans. We will continue to partner with external bodies, including more industry groups and charities which specialise in supporting victims of Modern Slavery. Due diligence We risk assess our suppliers through the relevant industry bodies and the ETI base code principles, seeking to support them to achieve the required standards. These standards include the protection of human rights and address areas that might give rise to enhanced risks of Modern Slavery."

WENRUI GUAN.....2017-09-27 10:52:30 UTC

No evidence of audits or site visits.

Laureen van Breen.....2020-11-27 11:51:29 UTC