Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
Risk-based questionnaires,
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
Walk Free
MSA risk assessment


Annual questionnaires to assess risks

p. 5, paragraph 3: "Our supplier due diligence consists of an onboarding procedure, annual questionnaires, ad-hoc site visits and third-party audits as explained in section 1.3." (...)

p. 5, paragraph 4: "By carrying out the due diligence activities detailed in section 3, we can identify and assess various risks within our supply chain and third parties with whom we engage and determine any appropriate actions."


Research (although not directly conducted by the company itself): p.3 (1.4.1) "As part of this work, the TWG produces country profiles containing research on the farming, transport, traceability, and slaughter of animals within each country, alongside legislation and regulation, governance and Non-Governmental Organisation activity. These profiles are used to influence our sourcing decisions and how to manage our risk."


Other methods not covered in the metric:

p.5, paragraph 4: "We have the added resource of our own people in our key supplier’s factories who are trained to report any suspicious or unusual activities."

Aureliane.....2023-08-07 14:50:26 UTC


Addition to other methods: they are actually more focused on identifying specific incidents, even though the report suggests that reporting from field staff feeds into their risk assessment.


Other activities linked to research for risk assessment:

p.5, para 4: "We also look at other indices, risk assessments from audits, and carry out regular reviews."

Aureliane.....2023-08-07 14:56:05 UTC