Question: How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
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Page 3 on "In FY 2022, we undertook several initiatives to further strengthen our human rights program, includinng:"

Muhammad Muakhkhir Putra.....2024-01-26 08:38:39 UTC

In FY 2022, we undertook several initiatives to further strengthen our human rights program, including:•Human Rights Impact Assessment– We conducted a human rights impact assessment (HRIA) to identify our most salient human rights concerns that could impact our supply chain and ensure that our human rights program efforts are focused on our most salient human rights impact areas. Based on the HRIA, the following is a list of human rights concerns that we particularly focus on in our supply chain: oForced labor (including recruiting fees and retaining worker identification documents) oWorking hours and rest days oYoung workers oWorker disciplinary practices (e.g., use of wage fines as punishment) oAccurate worker agreements oFair wages oSafe and healthy working conditions oFreedom of association and collective bargaining •Internal Human Rights Assessment – As part of our commitment to human rights, we conduct an annual internal human rights assessment. Based on this assessment, we found no human rights concerns, including forced labor, child labor, slavery and human trafficking, in our operations. •Annual Supplier Surveys– On an annual basis, we identify and survey our significant suppliers globally (that were not part of our prior surveys) for human rights-related issues. The suppliers surveyed in FY 2020, FY 2021 and FY 2022 collectively represent over 99.9% of our supply chain (based on our FY 2021 supplier spend). We found no instances of forced labor, child labor, slavery or human trafficking among Broadcom’s suppliers. •New Supplier Onboarding – All new suppliers are screened for potential human rights issues as part of our onboarding process and are required to commit to our Supplier Code. •Supplier Continuous Monitoring– All surveyed suppliers, as well as certain new suppliers, are placed in our third-party continuous monitoring program to alert us to emerging human rights issues that might arise with these suppliers.

4 | Page•Supplier Human Rights Audits– Our Global Operations and Internal Audit teams regularly auditour suppliers’ operations and compliance with various Broadcom and human rights-relatedrequirements. In their audits, our teams review wage and hour labor laws, working conditions,employment agreements and recruitment fee payments and conduct on-site worker interviews.•Supplier Certifications– We require our larger manufacturing suppliers to certify adherence toour Supplier code on an annual basis.•Annual Supplier Communications– We send our suppliers our annual expectations to reinforceour commitment to a responsible supply chain and provide our suppliers with information onour supply chain human rights program, including our Supplier Code, and access to our humanrights and preventing forced labor training

Muhammad Muakhkhir Putra.....2024-01-26 08:39:20 UTC

"The company has not explicitly stated about method of survey."


"Annual Supplier Surveys – On an annual basis, we identify and survey our significant suppliers globally (that were not part of our prior surveys) for human rights-related issues. The suppliers surveyed in FY 2020, FY 2021 and FY 2022 collectively represent over 99.9% of our supply chain (based on our FY 2021 supplier spend)."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-22 12:38:23 UTC