Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+Masstock Arable UK+2017+Discussion

"Agrii complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will not accept non-compliance to the act within it’s operations or those of partners or suppliers."


"Agrii is prepared to terminate the relationship with any supplier or partner that does not comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015"


Side-note: i was not able to credit Masstock for any policies as none were mentioned. Although they briefly covered supplier compliance in their principles section, I would not consider it a "specific policy".


Timofei Khvan.....2018-10-18 16:28:45 UTC

"We also ask suppliers to submit their public domain Modern Slavery statement to Agrii, as part of our procurement and tendering process"


"Agrii complies with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will not accept non-compliance to the act within it’s operations or those of partners or suppliers."

Timofei Khvan.....2018-10-18 16:49:09 UTC