Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+Honda Motor Europe Limited+2016+Discussion

"In September 2016, Honda Europe issued an Anti -Slavery policy, designed to complement the existing Code of Conduct and Compliance & Ethics Policy."


"The Anti-Slavery Policy applies to all employees (including contractors/other workers) for Honda Europe and sets out what behaviours constitute modern slavery and what procedure to follow when modern slavery concerns are identified (e.g. reporting, investigation, action). Compliance with the policy is compulsory for all employees (including other workers) and any breach of the policy will constitute a disciplinary offence."


Honda Motor Europe - MSA statement 2016, page 4

Min Hwan Baek.....2017-10-17 21:54:06 UTC

"All new contracts entered into between Honda Europe and direct suppliers include specific anti-slavery clauses." page 2


"Through these Guidelines [Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines], the Honda Group makes it clear that it will not allow any unlawful business practices including:

• use of child labour;

• workers receiving less than minimum wage;

• work hours exceeding legal limits; and

• forced or compulsory labour." page 2


"Through the CSR Guidelines, the Honda Group seeks to ensure that all of its suppliers share its values and take a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery."

page 2

Yeon Woo Choi.....2017-10-23 08:50:25 UTC