Walk Free+MSA policy (revised)+Apple Inc.+2022+Discussion

In general, Apple has a relatively exhaustive policy action target, which can be seen from their general introduction on page 9: "current and former employees, directors and officers, as well as contractors and subcontractors of Apple and its subsidiaries, and sets out Apple’s approach to protecting individuals who report potential misconduct." and "These reports also come through the mechanisms we make available directly to all supplier employees, Apple employees, and the general public, which can be made in any language and can be anonymous." Specific details on each catagory is separately listed in each section, with some absent in the statement.

Yolanda Ji.....2023-11-04 18:57:39 UTC

Does this mean that the provisions go beyond tier 1? --> p. 5: "To be in compliance, suppliers are also required to apply our requirements to their sub-contractors, sub-tier suppliers, and third-party recruitment agencies, through all levels of our supply chain."

Jasmin Kreutzer.....2024-02-05 16:28:54 UTC

I have compared both statements on Page 5 and 9. It is evident that Apple's policy covers beyond the tier-1 supply chain, given the fact that it includes sub-contractors, sub-tier suppliers, and third-party recruitment agencies, through all levels".


Another supplementary statement to show the example: "If a supplier is unwilling or unable to meet our requirements, the supplier risks removal from Apple’s supply chain. Since 2009, we have directed the removal of 25 manufacturing supplier facilities, and 205 smelters and refiners from our supply chain, including those that were unwilling or unable to remedy violations and improve their operations to meet our requirements."

Nabilla Khansa Naura.....2024-03-11 08:31:56 UTC

Business Conduct Policy / Supplier Code of Conduct covers forced and child labour:

p.5: Third-Parties are also subject to either the Supplier Code of Conduct or the Third-Party Code of Conduct, each

of which has language prohibiting human trafficking on the part of Third-Parties


Business Conduct Policy / Supplier Code of Conduct applies beyond tier 1:

p. 4: Apple’s Business Conduct Policy applies to all full- and part-time employees, and makes clear that human

trafficking and the use of involuntary labor are strictly prohibited — this includes Apple’s own business operations,

as well as our supply chain.

p.5: To be in compliance, suppliers are also required to apply our requirements to their sub-contractors, sub-tier suppliers,

and third-party recruitment agencies, through all levels of our supply chain


Applicable laws:

p. 5: Suppliers are required to operate in accordance with the Apple Supplier Code and Standards, and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations


Freedom of association:

p.5: The Standards include broad coverage of human rights topics, including anti-

discrimination and abuse, prevention of underage labor,

juvenile worker protections and management of education

programs, working hours management, wages, benefits

and contracts, freedom of association and collective

bargaining, and the responsible sourcing of materials. In

addition, our Supplier Standards include detailed sections

covering anti-modern slavery-related requirements.

Aureliane.....2024-03-25 17:11:01 UTC