
Page number: Page 2
Specific Statement: "We have a zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain and we expect all those within our supply chain, including contractors to comply with our values"
"We are currently in the process of writing to our suppliers to inform them of there obligation to comply with the terms of their obligation to comply with the terms of the Modern Slavery Act and also revised policies and procedures."
this quote indicates that norse group does not have any current plans in place to enforce corrective responses into modern slavery, but it is currently speaking to there suppliers too have it arranged. thereby making the criteria be answered as 'in development'
[[James Samuel Martin]].....2018-10-19 09:08:17 UTC

"currently in the process of writing to our suppliers to inform them of there obligation to comply with the terms of their obligation to comply with the terms of the Modern Slavery Act and also revised policies and procedures."
"We have a zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain and we expect all those within our supply chain, including contractors to comply with our values"
[[Zaynab Khan]].....2018-10-22 08:27:25 UTC