
"MAN has also set itself bind-ing guidelines in its Code of Conduct for acting responsibly. Moreover, the “Volkswagen Group requirements for sustainable development with regard to the relationships with business partners (Code of Conduct for Business Partners)” apply to MAN and are thus extended to MAN’s suppliers."-page3/6
"Because we regard such violations as a dynamic risk, we will align our monitoring procedures with ongoing developments and con-tinue to raise awareness of forms of modern-day slavery and human traffick-ing both inside and outside the company. One such measure will be to refine our Code of Conduct for Business Partners by adding modern-day slavery and human trafficking as examples of human rights’ abuses. The group companies will maintain a process by which we aim to ensure that slavery, servitude, forced compulsory labour and human trafficking do not feature in anything we do." -page5/6
[[Adwait Khandelwal]].....2018-10-19 03:27:19 UTC