Walk Free+MSA incidents remediation (revised)+Connect Group PLC+2018+Discussion

'Further, we provide a copy of our Ethical Trading Policy to each supplier and expect to introduce contractual protections in our dealings with such suppliers to reinforce those ethical standards. Accordingly, we seek to ensure that all our suppliers adhere to our ethical standards and anti-slavery policies and enforce a strict code of compliance and do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains. For example, if we find evidence of a failure to comply with our policies we will seek to terminate our relationship with the relevant supplier.'

Alex Whitton.....2017-10-17 11:27:30 UTC

we enforce a strict code of compliance and do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking within our supply chains – if we findevidence of a failure to comply with our policies we will seek to terminate our relationship with the relevant supplier;.2

Gabby.....2021-04-27 04:47:17 UTC