Question: Did the company identify any specific incidents related to modern slavery that require(d) remediation?
Walk Free
MSA incidents identified
Gap inc.
Unverified - Added by Community

No because the company did not identify any incidents, or there is no relevant information in the statement. However, it mentioned the following procedures for remediation:


"We have expanded an augmented version of our Assessment and Remediation program into our Tier 2 strategic textile mills, enabling us to directly evaluate working conditions at the mill level"


"In the event our assessments reveal a facility in violation of these standards, our Supplier Sustainability team works with factory management, local stakeholders, and worker-representative organizations to create a corrective action plan, conducts follow-up visits to validate remediation is completed and educates workers on their right to free movement. Our policies and action plans for forced labor incidents are described further online [external link]"


"Our Supplier Sustainability, Quality Assurance and Merchandising teams seek to prevent and detect

UAS [Unauthorized Subcontracting]. If a UAS case is found, we investigate, require remediation, and shall impose financial chargebacks, or, in severe or repeat cases, we will terminate our business with the supplier"

Hamida Qanbari.....2023-11-04 22:04:52 UTC

Yes because the Evaluating and Managing Risks section mentions elevated risks with foreign contract workers in Taiwan as well as efforts to not use Turkmen cotton.


"In 2020, we communicated responsible recruitment requirements to Tier 2 mills in Taiwan and South Korea where there is elevated risk to foreign contract workers. In 2021 and 2022, we had follow-up communications to ensure compliance and performed on-site assessments at 9 selected mills in Taiwan to validate compliance status. Details on our efforts to protect the rights of foreign contract workers in Taiwan mills can be found online."


"In 2018, based on evidence of forced child labor and/or forced labor within the cotton fields of Turkmenistan, we expanded our policy to make it clear that we will not accept any clothing manufactured with fabrics that were knowingly made from Turkmen cotton, aligned with the Turkmen Cotton Pledge led by the Responsible Sourcing Network."

Samantha Zalewska.....2023-11-18 15:50:48 UTC