2023 | SIEMENS PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY | MSA Performance Indicators
Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
updated 3 months ago by Nurisha Hanizam

While the statement does not provide specific numerical performance indicators such as the number of audits conducted, it does outline certain qualitative measures. The statement mentions that suppliers are continually assessed, with a particular focus on those in high-risk countries. Additionally, in 2022, it is noted that 1600 individuals completed web-based training on modern slavery. While the statement does not elaborate on the exact number of audits, it does indicate ongoing assessments and training initiatives as part of the company's efforts to combat slavery.

Nurisha Hanizam.....2024-02-04 03:12:57 UTC


"In June 2021 the Managing Board set a KPI target aspiring to 100% completion across all global entities. As of 30 September 2022 for Siemens plc the completion rate for the 2020 version was 99.9%. In June 2023 a revised BCG training entitled ‘Doing the Right Thing’ was launched, with a specific focus on ethical decision making and respecting the dignity, privacy and inherent rights of individuals. As of 30% September 2023 98% of the 1,658 Siemens plc employees assigned to complete the training had done so."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-09 10:31:55 UTC