Question: Does the modern slavery statement define the performance indicators against which the company measures the effectiveness of its actions to combat slavery and trafficking? E.g. number of audits done, number of employee training provided
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updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

pg. 6


During 2021/22, ethical audits identified 82 non-compliances (compared with 84 in 2021), under the heading “employment is freely chosen”. 44 of those referred to improvements in management systems/policies, and the remaining 38 included: withholding payment of wages, monetary deposit (deductions for Personal Protective Equipment), withholding IDs, restriction of movements (access to toilets and rest breaks), excessive notice periods/probationary period.”


“During 2021/22, five non-compliances (compared with four in 2020/21), under “employment is freely chosen” were identified in SEDEX audits. The findings related to management systems, deductions, and restriction of movement outside of the factory. Four have now been resolved and verified, and for any remaining non-compliance, we continue to work with the factory with a time-bound plan to resolve the issue to our satisfaction.”

Pg. 7

“In Food, participation in the programme we run in partnership with nGaje is now a mandatory requirement for high-risk suppliers in the UK and Republic of Ireland (ROI). During the last year we have heard from 29,338 workers and we have established a response rate of: 4.55 (out of 5) to the statement “I am free to leave my employer or change employer”.”

“For our Clothing & Home business, we have implemented “worker voice” pilot projects in over 90 factories with a total population of over 70,000 workers in five of our key sourcing countries: India, Vietnam, Bangladesh, China and Turkey.”

“This year, nine cases of potential indicators of modern slavery were brought to our attention and, following investigation, none resulted in us finding instances of modern slavery, but one case did highlight evidence of exploitation (see case study).”

Pg. 9

“Visibility at Tier 2 In 2021, we increased the scope of our audit programme to 83 of our top Tier 2 fabric suppliers using the Higg Index Facility Social and Labour Module (FSLM).”

Pg. 11

“To date, the module has been completed by 94.8 per cent of colleagues across our Food, C&H, International, Bank & Services and support centre functions, including Corporate Governance, Procurement, Digital and Data, HR and Property.”

“The training was delivered to 70 members of the leadership teams, and we will be widening the scope to include remaining members of the teams this year.”

“This year 101 of our supplier partners have accessed the programme and 168 individuals have completed an RRT training course.”

Manali Rana.....2023-01-09 09:21:50 UTC