View methodology drop-down not working+Status
View methodology drop-down not working+*when created
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 08:58 AM UTC

View methodology drop-down not working+Discussion

On further exploration the view methodology appears to work for CMR Cover Copper and CMR Area Covered, but none of the other metrics.

--Alex H.....2016-04-27 09:06:37 UTC

Thanks, we're seeing the problem too and will look into it.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-27 15:58:47 UTC

IBM is having the same problem. However, it seems to be more consistent issue here because there are no exceptions, none of the methodology drop-downs is working. Hopefully this helps!

--Laureen van Breen.....2016-04-28 12:09:41 UTC

We think we've fixed this. "View Methodology" is supposed to change to "Hide Methodology" when expanded (and it currently doesn't), but otherwise we think things are working. Let us know if we're wrong!

--Ethan McCutchen.....2016-04-28 18:37:31 UTC

Looks good to me! Thanks!

--Alex H.....2016-05-03 08:20:13 UTC