Source cited in previous metric still brought up in source window+Status
Source cited in previous metric still brought up in source window+*when created
Thursday, April 13, 2017 03:26 PM UTC

Source cited in previous metric still brought up in source window+screenshot

Source cited in previous metric still brought up in source window+screenshot

Source cited in previous metric still brought up in source window+Discussion

So, I understand that you're suggesting that we should clear the source. But isn't it a common case to use the same source many times in a row? And wouldn't it be annoying to have to find it again each time?


I'm thinking that if you click "research answer" while a source is showing, perhaps it should prompt you right away with an option to keep the same source open, and perhaps even cite it?

Ethan McCutchen.....2017-05-31 02:26:11 UTC

I think this is fixed with the new interface. Can you confirm?

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-02-15 20:29:16 UTC


theresah.....2018-03-28 13:23:34 UTC