Question: The company has set a zero waste target by 2030.
Research Group Eticonsum
Zero waste target
Unverified - Added by Community
updated 10 months ago by Manali Rana

The company works on a zero waste project and has set a short term target of 2026, although it also mentions achieving zero waste by 2030.

pg. 174


We started the Zero Waste project in 2018 with the aim of moving towards waste management based on a circular economy. The purpose of the project is to maximise the recovery of waste by bringing it back into production processes. The Group assures that the various types of waste it produces are managed appropriately, guaranteeing that more than 90% is recovered through AENOR’s Zero Waste certification.”

"Our short-term goal:

To obtain certification for our Supercor and outlet stores by 2026, now that our department stores and platforms have been certified."

Manali Rana.....2023-08-07 07:00:35 UTC