Privacy Policy

How we process the personal data of our users in accordance with GDPR.

Wikirate encourages corporations to be transparent and responsive by making data about their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance open and comparable for all. The Wikirate community is intrinsic to this work and we are fully committed to protecting the privacy rights of our users. This policy describes our approach to your personal data.


Our philosophy

Wikirate is committed to protecting your personal data and complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We strive to ensure that we collect as little personal data as possible and anonymise any tracking data that we need to maintain the platform. As a wiki, anything you publish on our site is by definition public and accessible to all but your personal data (such as your email address) will always remain protected and private.



  • Personal Data: any information which can be used to identify you individually (such as your email address, IP address, etc.)
  • Public Data: any information which is published on the Wikirate website (metric answers, metric questions, comments, posts, sources etc.)
  • Cookies: a small text file stored on the user device which allow web servers to keep track of the end user’s browser activities, and connect individual web requests into a session.


Data controller

The Wikirate International e.V. is the designated data controller and is based at Schliemannstraße 29, 10437 Berlin, Germany.


Age limitation

In compliance with GDPR, Wikirate does not allow use of our Website by anyone younger than 16 years old. If you are younger than 16 and have provided us with personal data, please contact us and we will take steps to delete such information.


Non-personal data we access and collect

We collect information about your visit to our website, such as:

  • the kind of device that you use (phone or computer),
  • the kind of browser you use,
  • the language preference of your browser,
  • the website that linked you to the platform
  • the date and time of each visit.

We do this to better understand how people use the site and so that we can fix problems with the site when they arise. We may also release reports that include general information about who visits this site, like the total number of visitors. We have implemented encryption of the IP addresses of our users – we use the encrypted IP addresses to track suspicious activities and technical issues on the platform. The encrypted IP addresses are held for a time period of six months before deletion.


Personal data we access and collect

Wikirate asks for some personal data when you:

  • Create a profile in Wikirate. In order to use our platform, you need to create a user account. A user name and email address are required. You do not have to select your real name or use your regular email address. Your email address will not be published.
  • Sign up to our Newsletter. If you have given us your email address through general correspondence, or have signed up to receive our newsletters, or have joined one of our mailing lists, you agree to allow us to send email to that address. You can unsubscribe from our newsletters at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of every newsletter. You can unsubscribe from our mailing lists for special interest groups at any time on this page.
  • Sign up to attend to one of our events. We use the data you provide to attend our events (name and email) exclusively to process your registration.
  • Send an application to work with us. Name, email and additional contact data that you choose to share with us such as mobile number.
  • Donate. We use Donorbox and Stripe to handle our donations. Donorbox provides us with a GDPR-compliant form with fields for your name and email address and optional fields for your address and phone number.


Third parties

We use Google Analytics to gather data from cookies to analyze our website traffic in order to provide better services and to set benchmarks for how we are doing in meeting Wikirate’s goals. We have implemented IP anonymization which means that Google does not collect any information which could be used to personally identify our users.


Information security and data breach response

We aim to make our sites secure, and that any data you do provide, such as login information, is kept securely. We encrypt this information and carry out periodic security reviews. Should a security breach take place, we will notify you as per GDPR guidelines.


Data subject request

You have the right to request information from us about data we may hold on you. In order to provide you with this information, we will need to verify your identity. Therefore, we ask that you help us to confirm your identity as quickly as possible. Failure to provide sufficient verification details may delay our ability to provide this information within the 30 days required of the GDPR Regulation. If you would like to submit a Data Subject request, please email info[at]


Right to be forgotten

You have the right to request the erasure of your personal data from the Wikirate site. The only personal data we hold on the platform is your email address and password. If you wish to have this data erased, please send an email to info[at] with the Subject matter “GDPR - Right to be forgotten”.


How to contact us

If you have comments, questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact info[at]


Policy last updated: March 2024 (reviewed periodically)