How to research and add Metric Values

Choose a metric that you want to research – you can research values for any metric with the “Community Assessed” policy. Read the metric’s methodology, choose a company and follow the instructions in the methodology. If you encounter any issues with the methodology please leave a comment about these – if you see a way to improve the metric’s methodology double-click it to edit.

When you know what the answer is for the company you’re researching, click the “Add New Value” button. For this example I researched Nikon’s performance on this metric about whether a company publishes a list of all the Smelters and Refiners it deals with.


adding new value example

When you click “Add new value” a window like this will pop up. In this case I found a list of smelters and refiners as a pdf file on Nikon’s website, published in 2015. So, for Nikon the answer to this question (or metric value) is “Yes” in the year 2015. It is important that you enter the correct Company name, this field auto-completes to help you find the right company name on WikiRate. For the source I decided to upload the pdf file, so I chose the File option, uploaded the pdf, gave it a title and described where it came from in the description.