Homepage boxes appearing differently+Status
Homepage boxes appearing differently+*when created
Monday, January 02, 2017 11:33 AM UTC

Homepage boxes appearing differently+example

Homepage boxes appearing differently+screenshot

Homepage boxes appearing differently+screenshot

Homepage boxes appearing differently+Discussion

As an additional - clicking on a value on the homepage via one of the boxes has no effect.

--Vishal Kapadia.....2017-01-04 16:01:30 UTC

I think all the top four issues are addressed.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2017-01-05 16:25:04 UTC

I've added a pivotal tracker story for Vishal's "additional". I don't think they were linking anywhere before (the Topic's box was actually much weirder before the release), and the title won't call that issue to mind, so I'm going to close this ticket.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2017-01-05 16:27:59 UTC