Question: Did the company report water bodies or related habitats significantly affected by water discharges and/or runoff?
Global Reporting Initiative
Pirelli & C. SpA
Verified by Steward check_circle
updated almost 6 years ago by Tyson Pinney

Page 158: "Pirelli obtains 13% of its requirements from surface water,

while dedicating special care to guaranteeing that this withdrawal is marginal in relation to the volume of the affected water bodies (always less than 5%). The volume of water emitted from water bodies located in protected areas is completely marginal, being equal to 2,300 cubic meters"


"A total of about 6.2 million cubic metres of domestic and industrial waste water were discharged, with 58% of this into surface water bodies, always in quantities that are marginal (less than 5%) in relation to the volume of the receiving bodies and without significantly impacting biodiversity"

Tyson Pinney.....2018-05-24 10:44:27 UTC