Question: What is the total amount of waste generated by the organization (in metric tonnes)?
Metric Tonnes
Global Reporting Initiative
Deutsche Telekom
Unverified - Added by Community

p. 188


"The amount of waste produced thoughout the Group was reduced by 16% in comparison with 2016. The reduction can primarily be attributed to the reduction of technical waste. The amount of technical waste fluctuates from year to year as the result of projects that are conducted at irregular intervals. For detailed comments on the figures for each individual company, please refer to the interactive benchmarking tool."


64483 tonnes = 65517,752820150396 metric tonnes

Toni Daniel Coimbra Figueiredo.....2022-04-21 10:24:29 UTC

64483 tonnes = 58497,99358942 metric tonnes

Toni Daniel Coimbra Figueiredo.....2022-04-22 04:25:04 UTC

64483 tonnes = 58497,99358942 metric tonnes

Toni Daniel Coimbra Figueiredo.....2022-04-22 04:26:42 UTC