Global Reporting Initiative+Share knowledge (G4-EO11-b)+About

This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sector Supplement - Event Organizers. It covers the reporting requirements of Indicator G4-EO11 - 'Number, type and impact of sustainability initiatives designed to raise awareness, share knowledge and impact behavior change, and results achieved'.

Events are a highly effective platform to transfer knowledge to stakeholders and can be an important way for advancing sustainability, driving innovation and developing society. These factors can be used to demonstrate the legacy impact of the event. 

Events influence attendees, participants, guests, viewers and others, and can be powerful tools for raising awareness and changing behavior. Throughout the project life cycle, an event organizer can implement sustainability policies and undertake practices and initiatives that may leave a lasting impact, transfer knowledge, and influence behavior change among stakeholders. Events can also facilitate information sharing among gathered attendees and participants, who can learn not only from the event and the event’s sustainable operations and content, but also from each other. Such learning and information-sharing can be a tool for long term and lasting behavioral, social, cultural, institutional, and technological change.

Given the nature and scale of events, event organizers have both the responsibility and opportunity to communicate sustainable development principles and influence enduring behavioral change.

Legacies can be those that are known, clearly defined and measured, and evident in the project life cycle, and future legacies that are yet to be defined, including initiatives with potential for a positive legacy.