2014 | PepsiCo Inc. | Labor Practices Screening of New Suppliers (G4-LA14-a)
What percentage of new suppliers were screened using labor practices criteria?
updated about 8 years ago by Louis Coppola

Indicator not reported

--Louis Coppola.....2016-05-20 11:17:18 UTC

See page 68 of the 2014 GRI Report for relevant contextual information.

Specific statement:

"In addition, we achieved our commitment to implement a third-party audit, based on available and accepted standards, of the social, environmental and human rights performance of our suppliers in our top sugar-sourcing

country, Brazil, by the end of 2014. Working with our main supplier in Brazil, Copersucar, we identified three mills and the farms that supply them for assessment of their economic, social and environmental performance as

well as their adherence to PepsiCo’s policies such as our Land Policy. We selected an independent third-party audit company to conduct the audits, which included detailed site observations, review of relevant documents

and interviews with responsible managers and workers at both the mills and the farms."

--Laureen van Breen.....2016-05-20 12:10:25 UTC