2015 | Kordsa Global Endustriyel Iplik ve Kord Bezi Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. | Groundwater withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)
How much groundwater did the company withdraw (in cubic metres)? 
updated over 7 years ago by Luke

page 49 - left bottom table

Luke.....2017-02-05 06:54:57 UTC

In 2014 = 488,204m^3/year and 525000m^3/year in 2013. notable downward trend(improvements) from 2013 to 2015.

Luke.....2017-02-05 06:56:25 UTC


Thea.....2017-02-11 06:50:57 UTC