Question: What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
Global Reporting Initiative
Hitachi Ltd.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 2 years ago by Singh Anjali

p. 99 - 70.5 PJ (57.3 + 7.1 + 3.2 + 2.9) = 70,500,000 GJ

Nicholas Orr.....2019-05-12 13:33:46 UTC

1 PJ = 1000000 GJ

(Calculation: (21.7+0.5+1+1.5+8.6+0.8+0.5+1.3+14.5+4.5+5.3)*1000000 = 60,200,000)

pg. 73

"Total Energy Input 2017

Non-renewable energy

Electricity 6,020 GWh (21.7 PJ)

Electricity For heating 130 GWh (0.5 PJ)

Electricity For cooling 277 GWh (1.0 PJ)

Electricity To generate steam 644 t (1.5 TJ)

Gas Natural gas 0.19 Gm3 (8.6 PJ)

Gas Natural gas For heating 18.4 Mm3 (0.8 PJ)

Gas Natural gas For cooling 10.3 Mm3 (0.5 PJ)

Gas Natural gas To generate steam 560 kt (1.3 PJ)

Gas LPG, LNG, etc. 269 kt (14.5 PJ)

Fuel oil (heavy oil, kerosene, etc.) 117 ML (4.5 PJ)

Solid fuel (coke) 179 kt (5.3 PJ)"

Singh Anjali.....2021-09-01 19:30:09 UTC