Question: What is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is directly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Dell Inc.
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 5 years ago by Jemmagrannt

Page 43

However GHGs emissions in supply chain not provided due to quote 'FY15 and FY16 restated to incorporate improvements in calculation methods and data sets. Subsequent calculations subject to change as additional data becomes available and data quality improves.

*FY17 calculation is dependent upon CY16 data, which will be available January 2018'.


and GHGs for use of product sold FY15 and FY16 restated to incorporate improvements in calculation methods and data sets. Subsequent calculations subject to change as additional data becomes available and data quality improves.

*FY17 calculation is dependent upon CY16 data, which will be available January 2018'


Don't total up emissions

Jemmagrannt.....2019-02-20 12:39:38 UTC