Question: What is the average hours of training per female employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative

Page 60 of the Annual Report 2020. Calculated using the average of the female data (sorted by professional category) in the 2020 section of the graph.

Arturo Soto González.....2021-10-22 15:11:58 UTC

Yes, I checked this answer. It's correct

Jose Laniado.....2021-11-04 14:08:08 UTC

The average of the averages are mathematically incorrect unless the denominators are same. Since, the number of employees is different in each professional category, that means the denominators are different. Thus we first calculate total hours and total employees then we will calculate average.

(Calculation : Total hours of training (female) = 88.8x44 + 41.7x88 + 50.7x225 + 80.8x22 = 20,761.9

Average hours of training per female employee = 20,761.9/379 = 54.7 )

pg. 55

"Número de empleados por categoría profesional y género (2020)

Directivos Mujeres 44 ; Administrativos Mujeres 88

Técnicos Mujeres 225 ; Operarios Mujeres 22 "

pg. 60

"Horas de formación recibidas por profesional, por categoría profesional y género (2020)

Directivos Mujeres 88.8 ; Administrativos Mujeres 41.7

Técnicos Mujeres 50.7 ; Operarios Mujeres 80.8 "

Manali Rana.....2022-10-26 07:53:52 UTC