Question: What is the average hours of training per employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 7 years ago by Luke

957 man/hours in total.

Therefore: 3745/957 =3.9man/hour

Luke.....2017-02-12 08:27:55 UTC

p.48 Kordsa Global Sustainability Report 2015

Social Performance indicator table provides information on training per employee category and gender. However there is some uncertainty around the unit of measurement - man/hour could refer to the man-hours spent in training per employee or could be the total hours for the category. As a result values can be incorrectly interpreted.

Assuming it is the total avg per employee for the category avg training hours can be calculated as:

Total Avg by Gender = (262.7+119.5)/2 = 191.1 hrs

Total Avg by Employee Cat = (13+97.4+150.1+232+214.3+250.2)/6 = 159.5 hrs

On page 31 the total training hours are given as 192 439 hours:

192 439/3745 = 51.39 hours per employee

As a result of the uncertainty around the unit, no conclusion can be achieved - Unknown

Frances Phillips.....2017-02-12 19:45:51 UTC