Question: What is the average hours of training per employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
BMW Group
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated about 8 years ago by Hala @WR

The company reports its values for this metric (in days) = 3.7 days - (see page 69 of the report). Value for this metric is left unknown as there is no indication of the working hours/day in the countries where training is provided.


The company provides the following justification (see page 136): We report on the average days of training and education for employees of the BMW Group. However, our current system allows us to break down this training by employee category only for the BMW AG Academy (over 50% of training). There are no gender-specific differences in training volumes. Due to the current prioritisation of other topics, a suitable tool add-on for collecting this data can be de ned at the earliest in 2018 and then implemented step by step throughout the BMW Group.

--Hala @WR.....2016-04-26 14:15:35 UTC