Finding Conflict Minerals Reports
Often it is possible to find a conflict minerals report with a simple search for the company you’re researching plus “conflict minerals report” – something like “CompanyX Conflict minerals report”.
There is another method you can follow to find Conflict Minerals Reports for companies that file with the SEC. Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act mandates that companies who are registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and who use these minerals must submit a report every year describing their efforts to source these minerals responsibly.
You can find a company's SEC filings related to section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act by following this procedure:
1. Search for the company you want to research using the EDGAR company filings search. Find the right company and click its "CIK" number.
2. The next page may contain a lot of filings, we're looking for one which has a name like "SD" (Specialised Disclosure Form) - click the Documents button for that filing. EDGAR provides a filtering function; type "SD" in the edit box "Filing type:". There may be more than one SD filing listed, one for every year since 2014.
3. Some companies only submit an SD form, others also submit a Conflict Minerals Report as an "exhibit". In this example all of the information is in the Conflict Minerals Report exhibit, but for other companies you may need to check both the SD form and any exhibits associated with it.
4. Add a value for this metric, using the link to the Conflict Minerals Report as the source. If you encounter any difficulties, or spot any problems with this methodology, please leave a comment below. Please include the company name + year of the report.
If you search for a company’s Conflict Minerals Report and don’t find one, you should set their value on this metric to “No”, and include some details of how/where you searched as a “Report” source.