Filter is auto-populating+Status
Filter is auto-populating+*when created
Friday, April 20, 2018 04:07 PM UTC

Filter is auto-populating+issue

From metric page, went to Add Filter > Project, and selected a project. Then I removed the Project filter (Xed out), and wanted to try a different project filter so again clicked Add filter > Project, and it pulls in the last project I selected, but does not allow me to select a different project.

Filter is auto-populating+screenshot

Filter is auto-populating+screenshot

Filter is auto-populating+Discussion

What does "not allow me to select" mean? I can click on the select field and select and different project. But I see the issue that it doesn't filter by the preselected project. It should either be empty or filter the result.

Philipp Kuehl.....2018-04-20 16:28:22 UTC

I have the same question. (Though imo it should definitely be empty. To a user, clicking "X" means they're wiping the whole thing)

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-04-20 18:45:34 UTC

I guess we're mutually confused. I don't totally understand your questions, but I think it's cause I must've not explained it properly. The "not allow me to" part was a stage that usually exists once you click "add filter" and select "project". Then a drop down allows you to select the project you want to filter by. When I had already closed one project, and then clicked the "add filter" button again, the in-between stage of selecting the project was not given, and the last project I had added to filter was auto-selected. It's possible I explained it the same way twice, so let me know if that clarifies anything.

theresah.....2018-04-23 15:08:17 UTC

We were confused because it sounded like you couldn't select anything from the dropdown. You can. (but that's not the issue)

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-04-23 17:44:56 UTC


Ethan McCutchen.....2019-06-05 01:39:47 UTC