expand_less The company should clearly[[https://rankingdigitalrights.org/2017-indicators/#clearlydisclose|clearly disclose]] disclose what user[[https://rankingdigitalrights.org/2017-indicators/#userinformation|user information]] information it collects[[https://rankingdigitalrights.org/2017-indicators/#collect|collects]] and how.Companies collect a wide range of personal information from users—from personal details and account profiles to a user’s activities and location. We expect companies to clearly disclose what user information (as RDR defines it) they collect and how they do so. We also expect companies to commit to the principle of data minimization and to demonstrate how this principle shapes their practices regarding user information. If companies collect multiple types of information, we expect them to provide detail on how they handle each type of information. For mobile ecosystems, we expect companies to clearly disclose whether the privacy policies of the apps that are available on their app store specify what user information the apps collect and whether those policies comply with data minimization principles.