Danielle Keller Aviram+Artisanal_Small-Scale_Mines+methodology

Go through The Hidden Cost of Jewelry Report to find out whether the company you are researching publishes information on how it supports artisanal and small-scale mines.

If the company is not part of the Report, browse the Corporate Social Responsibility section of the company's Website and look for the information.

Usually, documents entitled Statement on Gemstone Sourcing, Conflict Minerals or Corporate Social Responsibility Report may contain information about it.

  • If the company claims to support artisanal/small-scale mines financially, select “Financial support”.

  • If the company claims to sources responsible from artisanal/small-scale mines, select “Sourcing responsibly”.

  • If the company claims to be developing ways to support artisanal/small-scale mines, select “In development”.

  • If the company clearly states that it does not support artisanal/small-scale mines, select “Does not support artisanal/small-scale mines”.

  • If you cannot find information on this regard, select “Unknown”.