Question: What is the average (mean) pay of female workers, expressed as a percentage of male workers' average pay?
Adidas AG
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 1 month ago by Pooja Yadav

"No data found."


"We remain on track to complete our benchmarking process and, by the end of 2024, will be able to compare our 2020 wage data against the 2023 results. This will allow us to assess wage progress over time. We will continue our efforts to support the levers we have identified as being most influential in driving the wage-setting process. These are: legal obligations, responsible purchasing practices, productivity, industrial relations, and government engagement. We will also deploy a Gender Pay Parity Capacity Building Program across our supply chain in collaboration with other companies. This program will focus on raising our suppliers’ awareness and understanding of the gender pay gap, in particular equal pay for equal work."

Pooja Yadav.....2024-03-20 06:25:06 UTC