2017 | AVIANCA HOLDINGS S.A. | Female workers' pay (as a percentage of male workers' pay)
What is the average (mean) pay of female workers, expressed as a percentage of male workers' average pay?
updated almost 6 years ago by 5958283

page 112

average = (sum of all recorded ratios of womens pay)/(number of ratios recorded)


(0.98+0.95+0.82+0.79)+(0.92+1.03+0.64+0.58)+(0.87+0.97+0.79+0.37)+(0.98+0.65+0.77)+(0.93+0.83+0.44) = 14.31


number of ratios = 18

average = (14.31/18)*100 = 79.5

5958283.....2018-05-17 09:43:13 UTC